Lady in red nude makeup looks songful style outfit

 Lady in red

I've never seen you look as beautiful as you did tonight, I've never seen you shine so brightly, and I've never seen so many men approach you and ask you to dance.
And due to my blindness, I have never seen the outfit you are wearing or the highlights in your hair that grab your eyes.

I'm dancing cheek to cheek with the woman in red.
There is no one here but for you and myself.
I hardly know this gorgeous person by my side, yet I'll always remember how you look tonight.

You were amazing, I've never seen so many people want to be by your side, and when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away.

I've never seen you look so beautiful as you did tonight.
And tonight is the first time I've ever felt such an overwhelming sense of love 💝


  1. This dress is stunning! I adore the plaid print and the unique ruching!

  2. Beautiful!


  3. Gorgeous dress and the eye is stunning!

  4. Ooo loving the dresses here and the makeup is SO COOL!

    Allie of

  5. Beautiful photos! The eye make-up is gorgeous.
    Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 37.

  6. What a fun statement red dress! I really like that eye makeup too :)

    Thank you for joining the Weekday Wear Link up. Hope you are having a fun weekend. We've been to a kid's birthday party today.

    Away From The Blue

  7. Very 80's looking or is that the soft filter? #Allseasons


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