Nude makeup idea statement chain necklace

 Nude makeup & statement necklace**

The finishing touch to any outfit will be a beautiful make-up. This is what will help you create your completely finished image, will be able to emphasize your appearance and add expressiveness to it if necessary.
 Do not think that makeup is not so important, do not underestimate its importance. Therefore, today we will analyze the basic rules for successful makeup.

Nude makeup can emphasize your spontaneity and natural beauty. The meaning of the English word "nude" is "naked". And indeed, such makeup will definitely emphasize all the advantages and disadvantages of the face. It is incredibly popular, but you need to be careful when applying it.
Nude makeup is the perfect complement to any look, whether it's a work outfit or a date. The most important thing is to keep it natural.

First, be sure to make the perfect skin tone. At the same time, you should not use too thick foundation; popular bb- and cc-creams* are suitable for such a make-up. They perfectly care for the skin and create a radiant and even complexion. Do not forget about the use of correctors and concealers, which will mask small imperfections in the form of redness, pimples or bags under the eyes. The most important thing is to make the tone even, natural and radiant.

Secondly, pay attention to the eyebrows. Give them the desired shape with a brush and pencil or eyebrow shadow. For eye makeup, you should use natural shades without mother-of-pearl: beige, peach, brown, soft pink, cream shades. It is allowed to use no more than 2 shades, light on the moving eyelid and darker in the corners of the eyes. The final touch will be the application of mascara in one layer.

Nude makeup is natural. It's perfect for work

For lips, it is also worth using natural, calm shades without sparkles and mother-of-pearl. The use of a lip pencil in nude makeup is unacceptable.

Nude is a natural make-up, which, unlike the popular contouring, does not make adjustments, but unobtrusively emphasizes what nature has awarded. It suits everyone - blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads - and looks equally advantageous both in twenty years and after forty.

* The very first BB cream (Blemish Balm) entered the Asian market, starting a continuous process of improving the composition of the foundation and the emergence of more and more abbreviations.
A few years ago, makeup artists mixed moisturizer and foundation in the palm of their hands, getting a balm with the effect of evening out skin tone. It is this result that BB cream allows you to achieve: hide imperfections, provide care and protect against negative external factors.
The revolutionary nature of BB creams lies in the carefully selected ratio of caring and corrective components.
Following the BB-cream, the arsenal of unusual tonal foundations has been replenished with the CC-cream. Behind the new abbreviation is a combination of english words color correction. CC cream is designed to provide control over skin tone throughout the day.

** Statement jewelry, frequently a statement necklace, is a stunning necklace that, when worn, makes a powerful impression. In other words, a striking necklace that looks fantastic with a simple attire and is frequently huge in size and possibly over the top.
Men and women can both use statement jewelry to convey their personalities and self. Statement jewelry helps the wearer express who they are through their outward appearance. It is distinctive and bold. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians employed statement jewelry in rites, rituals, and to express divine favor, so sporting striking and fashionable jewelry is nothing new. Even now, people still utilize jewelry and other items to express their values and self-identity.


  1. Love this natural makeup look! Thanks for sharing how to put it all together.

  2. There's a real art to achieving a natural look with make up. It looks wonderful when done well. Thanks for linking!

  3. Thanks for these tips and for explaining the techniques. Your natural make-up look is beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 38.

  4. This is such a great makeup look on you and you explained the technique really well! Thanks for sharing!

    Thank you for joining the Weekday Wear Link up! Hope you are having a lovely weekend. It's a very rainy day here!

    Away From The Blue


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